Saturday, May 20, 2017

Political Coverage

February 28th 2017

I have always thought that the AJC provided a reasonably balanced view of the news, but since Trump's electoral win I have seen a definite shift in coverage that seems intended to mollify the right wing subscribers to the paper. Front page coverage complete with a full story inside was provided to a small group of Trump supporters rallying in Atlanta on Monday. Yet the march of over 1000 people which I attended in Atlanta on Saturday to protest Trump and the GOP was given one sentence coverage by the AJC and buried deep inside the paper. The march was not made up of a bunch of whiny democrats as some letter writers are implying but was a diverse group of millennials and seniors like me who care deeply for our country. We marched to protest the stupidity of the administration and the GOP who think they can repeal Obamacare without endangering millions of Americans.  Now it seems Trump suddenly realizes that healthcare is very complicated. Yes it is and it has major implications on life and death for hundreds of thousands of people. He claimed he knew more than anyone and only he could fix it. Can't the rest of you tell a con man when you see one?

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