Monday, May 15, 2017

Conservative's Fair tax

May 15 2015

There appears to be a concerted effort by letter writers to the AJC to spread support for the so called "Fair Tax".  Like most conservative programs this name is intentionally misleading. The so called "Fair Tax" is far from fair. It is simply a ruse to cover the real agenda which is to abolish the social programs that millions of seniors in our country know and love.

The "Fair Tax" program will eliminate payroll taxes which at first glance seems like a real boon. But what it means is that Social Security and Medicare will lose their independent revenue stream and like all other services will be funded out of the 30% sales tax proposed. How long do you think those important social programs will last under that scenario, when they are subject to the whims of a conservative congress and administration?

Additionally, "Fair Tax "supporters reference prebates  from the government to offset the huge taxes poor people will have to pay to buy simple necessities. Do we really believe that they trust the government to continue to provide such free handouts once their "Fair Tax" scheme is in place. Coming from the far right that wants to eliminate food stamps, and refused to accept Medicaid expansion,  I think this is just a bait and switch scheme. It is intended to once more transfer wealth from the poor to the rich who will benefit enormously from the elimination of income, dividend, and capital gains tax.  Lets not be fooled by these right wing fuzzy mathematicians.

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