Monday, May 15, 2017

GOP Should Expel Radicals

November 11th 2015

It's disheartening to watch the republican candidates for the presidency vie with each other to define themselves as more conservative than their peers. The rise of conservative extremism has hijacked a once reasonably moderate party and pushed it dangerously to the right with unworkable policies and goals. A move that will eventually impede our nation's progress and return us to recession or worse.

It's clear to me that there are elements within the GOP who should be forming their own party if they truly have the courage of their convictions. It's time for those who represent the thinking majority of real republicans to rise up and expel the tea partiers, the libertarians, the birthers, and the racists from their midst. Only then will we have a chance of making government work as it is supposed to, instead of this continuous partisan bickering that has stalled proper governance for the past 6 years.

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