Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Republicans' Acceptance of Trump

May 16th 2016

It's really sad to see reasonable republicans sitting back and accepting the scandals, the racism, the narcissism, and misogyny of Donald Trump, and even dismissing and spinning the facts to defend him. No doubt they will hold their noses and vote for him in November. What a sorry spectacle for a once reasonable conservative political movement that cared for America and its citizens. It is a show in hypocrisy as the very things they have heavily criticized in some liberals and progressives are now accepted in this man who has no shame, and is clearly unprepared and unsuitable for the most important office in the world. 

Normally fiscal conservatives have embraced Trump's poorly thought out policy that would increase the national debt by $4 trillion. Religious and social Republicans have turned their backs on their basic Christian philosophy and shrugged off Trump's horrid solution to the immigration issue and his outrageous bigotry towards Muslims.  His stance on African Americans is no better, yet the party of Lincoln is now dallying on the verge of neo-fascism as Trump embraces the likes of David Duke and his Klan. 

Surely republicans are better than this! If not, our country is in for a very rocky ride for the foreseeable future as our world-status declines, and the beacon on the hill dims.

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