Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Vote in Georgia Super Tuesday

Letter to AJC 2-29-12

Senator Santorum must be very happy with the Michigan democrats. They came out and voted for him in opposition to Governor Romney. So, in spite of his gaffes and belligerent rhetoric, his campaign is still alive. Some people called it a dirty trick to invite democrats to vote for him, but frankly it's one the republicans use to advantage all the time.

When it's our turn in Georgia, I'm sure there will be many who will chose Santorum over Gingrich. Let's hope so, Newt  needs to be brought down a peg or two. His insufferable egotism, lies, and distortions have strained this country ever since he devised his despicable tactic of telling people how to describe opponents with the worst of epithets. 

The man does not deserve to have our vote. His attitude and behavior should have relegated him to the murky background long before now. He has fooled far too many with his supposed frankness when all that is intended is more book sales and publicity pouring dollars into Newt's coffers. So join your democrat friends and vote for Santorum next Tuesday.


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