Friday, February 24, 2012

Letters to AJC sent in 2011

Letters sent to AJC in 2011

Letter to AJC 12-18-2011 (This one they actually published- edited of course)

The current gridlock in Washington is a sure sign our mode of government is no longer effective. The elected representatives seem to be focused only on their own beliefs and gains, and no longer represent the will of the people including minority opinions. It's time to revamp the system to prevent the country from collapsing under the weight of these career congressmen, senators, and judiciary.

We need to implement term limits on these statesmen so that they concentrate on the job of running the country, make decisions and take actions that are for the good of the people, instead of the special interest and lobbyists. We also need to eliminate their paranoia regarding their own reelection.

I suggest that congressmen and senators be elected for a maximum of 2 terms and that the President should be given a single term of 6 years so that the focus is on governance instead of party politics and reelection. That way we would have people elected who are more in touch with the real feelings of the country instead of the privileged culture that exists today.

We also need to take a closer look at the judiciary. Why do supreme court justices have a lifetime tenure? Surely that locks in biased thinking instead of the neutral interpretation of the law that they are supposed to provide. I think they also should be appointed for a term of perhaps 9 years with one third of them being replaced every three years.




Today's political "cartoon" by Michael Ramirez is hate speech. If the AJC wishes to be balanced in its opinion, there needs to be proper editing and selection of material to ensure that offensive, hate filled messages are discarded. It's time to drop the Michael Ramirez nastiness. There is no place for this in a well intentioned media outlet.



Letter to the editor AJC 9-17-2011

A number of conservatives including Rick Perry and Charles Krauthammer have called the national social security program a Ponzi scheme. As a retired senior who paid into social security when I was working, I resent the fear mongering that these people are spreading. This appears to be aimed at younger workers to make them question the plan and drive changes that will damage their prospects for income during their retirement years.

The CBO has indicated that the plan is solvent for decades, and only needs small tweaking to ensure full payment to all retirees. One simple change is to remove the cap on income. That would make sure Social Security remained solvent for the next 75 years at least. It only seems fair that richer workers provide their full share of contribution to the plan.

The discussions of converting to private plans also concerns me, because there are pitfalls in that approach. Currently employers match the contributions made by workers into social security. There is no guarantee under privatization, that those matching contributions will continue, so working people will only have half the amount of money to build their accounts as compared to the government run social security program. This seems to me to be a pro-business position to reduce business costs and take away a pension plan that employers have been required to support during the last 70 years.

Perhaps Politifacts should be directed to do a proper unbiased analysis of this situation. I think that would be a much more helpful use of their time than all the partisan political spin that they seem to be focusing on.



To the editor AJC 9-12-2011

How sad it is to see the once mighty Atlanta Journal Constitution censor political commentary. For the last three days the AJC has intentionally blocked the publication of Doonesbury’s comics because it raises important questions about Sarah Palin, and points to the level of hypocrisy that conservatives are willing to overlook when choosing people for the most important offices of the land.

I have seen the gradual decline of the AJC over the last decade as public opinion in Georgia has swung republican. The so called balanced commentary of the AJC is clearly right wing biased. It is becoming a paper Fox. I am dismayed that the editorial staff of the AJC have fallen victim to the pecuniary demands of circulation objectives by feeding the right wing machine in Georgia with their expected ideological views.

Time to take stock of your conscience. You have become just another instrument playing into the hands of the rich and powerful, and have lost your claim to representing considered, rational thought.



Letter to AJC 8-11-2011

The tea-party controlled Congress failed to listen to the reasoned argument put forward by President Obama for a balanced approach to eliminating our country's debt. He clearly pointed out the risks to our economy and the impact on the market if the republicans bowed to the fanatic right wing and refused to compromise.

As a result we have witnessed turmoil in the market and a return to fear of double dip recession. By their stubborn and ignorant position, the tea party has achieved Bin Laden's dream of bringing our great country to the brink of disaster.

When will we learn that governing requires proper unemotional planning and compromise instead of ideological obstinate attitudes that have no purpose other than to advance political ambitions.

Paraphrasing the famous words of Pogo, "We have met the enemy, and they are us".



Letter to AJC 7-27-2011 (this one was published, edited of course)

If the tea party succeeds in forcing the USA into default next week with their outrageous posturing, then they will have caused more pain and suffering for this country than all the terrorists and extremists combined could ever have dreamed would occur. Our dollar value will plummet, inflation will return with a vengeance, millions will lose jobs and houses, and we will head straight into another deep recession or worse.

Congress has completely abrogated it's responsibility to the people to guide this country and ensure our well being. We are being held hostage to the poorly thought-out policies of ideologs who either don't understand or who don't care how important it is to maintain our credit status.

It's clear we have to work on reducing spending and changing our approach to taxes to make sure all citizens and businesses contribute their fair share. But let's do it rationally and with careful analysis rather than this "winner takes all " approach that our current representatives seem to have.

One lesson from this debacle is clear. Be careful who you vote for.



Letter to AJC 1-31-2011

The AJC's analysis of the new Georgia tax proposal, as outlined in the Politifact column, ignores the problems this will cause for seniors. In the last decade, interest rates have fallen from 6% to less than 1% resulting in a major decline in seniors' income from CDs and savings. To impose an increase in state tax on seniors will add to that burden, and result in suffering for many.

Currently, a senior making up to $30,000 per year from retirement savings or pensions is exempt from Georgia income tax on that amount. This new plan would eliminate that exemption and raise the senior's taxes whilst at the same time imposing a new tax on groceries and services.

It means a huge reduction in disposable income for the senior, and a jump in the cost of living that will not be reflected in any social security increase. How is this fair? To seniors this is clearly a double tax increase.
Since all the supporters of this new tax plan seem to feel that this will be revenue neutral, why the rush to change? It appears that it is simply a shifting of revenue generation from the already rich and powerful to the old and the poor; people who can ill afford it, and who don't have the benefit of influential lobbyists under the gold dome.



Letter to AJC 1-8-2011

Dear Sir/Madam,

The new Georgia tax proposal is simply a ruse to increase taxes on seniors and the poor, and give tax breaks to businesses and the wealthy. A senior making up to $30,000 per year from retirement savings or pensions is currently exempt from Georgia income tax. This new plan would eliminate that exemption and raise the senior's taxes whilst at the same time imposing a new tax on groceries and services. It means a huge reduction in disposable income, and a jump in the cost of living that will not be reflected in any social security increase. How is this fair?

With the rush to become a single party state, a business first attitude, and a focus only on the desires of the rich and their lobbyists, who is going to speak for and protect the old, the weak and the poor, a cultural value that our country used to pride itself on? With this Georgian attitude, Florida looks better all the time to our large and growing population of seniors.



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