Saturday, December 22, 2012

Grover Norquist

Grover Norquist. Nove 26 2012

By bucking the republican group-think that catapulted Grover Norquist into a position of dictatorial might, Saxby Chambliss  has shown strength and determination to put country first before blind ideology. 

It's amazing that one man has been able to hold the GOP hostage with his intellectual bullying and uninformed obstinacy.  Perhaps the recent defeat has shown the thinkers in the party that blind obedience is not what the people want.

 Poll after poll has shown that the majority wish to see the more affluent carry their share of taxes. It's time to look at our situation with clear mathematical analyses instead of ideologically based opinions that history has shown to be failing strategies. 

Our union requires a basic level of taxes to  keep us operating  in the mode which we consider truly American. Surely the rich who have gained so much from this country are willing to pay back at least at the same level as the average citizen.  Paying taxes is patriotic and the minimum contribution that we all should be willing to give to maintain our defense, our infrastructure, our health, our education, our children's future, and the dignity of our elder citizens. 

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